Florence is not a big city. At only 370,000 people it is easy enough to walk from one end to the other in an hour or so. My first trimester here that is what I decided to do; to walk everywhere. Walking allowed me to see all the little nooks and crannies that contain some of the greatest art in the western world. It seemed like every day I would walk down some new alley and come across a mural, statue, or building that I was introduced to in Dr. Choate’s art history class.
Even though Florence is small and walking is a great way to see it, my feet did get a bit tired. This trimester my main mode of transportation has been a wonderful old rust-bucket of a bike. Be assured, the lock and chain I use to keep my bike secure costs more than the bike does.
Instead of seeing a red-headed tourist with a camera and map in hand wondering through Florence, you now hear the rattle of metal just before I fly by weaving through the swarm of tourists like a native Florentine. Well, except for the red hair.
I am enjoying my journey!